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Strips of beef with green baby leaf, avocado and peanut crumble


Strips of beef with green baby leaf, avocado and peanut crumble

2 minutes

difficulty: 1

portions: 4


difficulty: 1

portions: 4

Ingredients for 4 people:

  • 150g of very thinly sliced beef,
    2 small avocados,
    100g of OrtoRomi green baby salad,
    60g of roasted peanuts,
    2 tablespoons of soy sauce,
    Extra virgin olive oil
    1 lemon
    Salt and pepper

Cooking time:

2 minutes


Blend the peanuts in a mixer until you get a grain, then add the soy sauce and blend again for a few seconds. Cut the avocados in half, remove the peel and the seed, reduce the pulp into slices. Season them with lemon juice, a pinch of salt and pepper. Cut the meat into strips, heat a non-stick pan, brush it with a little oil and cover
the bottom with the slices of beef in a single layer. Cook over high heat for 1-2 minutes, turning several times. Season with salt and pepper. Season your OrtoRomi fresh cut green baby salad to taste, then compose the dishes with the avocado slices, the lettuce and the strips of beef. Complete with the peanut crumble and serve.

A recipe from the March issue of Fior Fiore in Cucina.

Una ricetta del numero di Marzo di Fior Fiore in Cucina. 

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