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Organic Green Baby Salad


Organic Green Baby Salad
Delicate and sweet flavoured lettuce leaves, ideal with any dish, including white meat.
Benefits of the product
Tender lettuce from organic farming grown with sustainable methods that respect the environment, natural cycles and crop rotations.

Product Specifications

Organic green baby salad (100%).

Fresh cut salad

Ready to eat fresh cut salad

Integrated crop management

OrtoRomi products are grown with Integrated Crop Management system that permit to cut down the use of chemical substances and to preserve the health of the consumer and the environment

Suitable for vegan lifestyle

Suitable for a vegan lifestyle

To be stored in the refrigerator

Please store this product in the refrigerator, in order to respect the cold chain

100% recyclable packaging

From plastic, as from glass and paper, it is possible to give life to a new object, if given in the appropriate bins. Learn to differentiate and change our lifestyle, giving new life to waste

(Average value per 100g)


57 kJ / 14 kcal


0,0 g of which fatty acids 0,0 g


2,2 g of which sugar 2,2 g


1,5 g


1,1 g


0,02 g

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We are committed to guaranteeing you a very fresh and completely safe quality product. To do this, we constantly put very rigorous controls on the agenda: every year over 5,300 tests are carried out between microbiological and chemical analyzes, through internal and external laboratories.

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