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Fresh Guacamole with 95% avocado is ideal to accompany meat, fish, salads, bruschetta and sandwiches. Suitable for a vegetarian and vegan lifestyle.
Benefits of the product
Avocado contains vitamins C, E and some vitamins of Group B. It is also a source of potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron and sodium

Product Specifications

Avocado (95%), salt, onion *, jalapeño pepper, sugar, garlic * (0.3%), antioxidants (ascorbic acid, sodium ascorbate, sodium citrate), acidity regulator (citric acid), coriander *.  

* dehydrated              

Guacamole sauce

Guacamole sauce with fresh avocado, from controlled cultivation

To be stored in the refrigerator

Please store this product in the refrigerator, in order to respect the cold chain

Suitable for a vegan lifestyle - 100% Vegan

Suitable for a vegan lifestyle

Treated with HPP

Intact organoleptic qualities and nutritional properties, thanks to the high pressure pasteurization process (HPP)

100% recyclable packaging

From plastic, as from glass and paper, it is possible to give life to a new object, if given in the appropriate bins. Learn to differentiate and change our lifestyle, giving new life to waste

(Average value per 100g)


941 kJ / 225 kcal


17,1 g of which fatty acids 3,0 g


10,6 g of which sugar 1,9 g


10,7 g


1,8 g


1,5 g

Recipes OrtoRomi
Endless opportunities to get to know the best products for an always tasty and healthy diet

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Grilled shrimps with guacamole sauce

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kitchen ideas
Endless opportunities to get to know the best products for an always tasty and healthy diet
kitchen ideas

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Guacamole: cosa è, benefici e proprietà

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Ricetta Originale Guacamole: come si fa e ingredienti

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We are committed every day to safeguarding nature by reducing our impact on the environment and the resources waste at every stage of production: in the work we do in our farms, in the cultivation techniques we use on the lands and in the selection of raw materials. But we did something more: we created completely edible products, without any waste, packed in 100% recyclable packaging mostly made with recycled materials.

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