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Cuor di gusto bowl


Cuor di gusto bowl
Delicious bowl with a mix of P.G.I. Radicchios with an addition of grana cheese and nuts.
Benefits of the product
Red radicchio is rich in mineral salts, while among the vitamins it is a source of vitamin C. While variegated radicchio is rich in iron, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. It is also a source of vitamins A, B2, C and PP

Product Specifications

P.G.I. Radicchio rosso di Treviso Tardivo (35,5%), P.G.I. Radicchio Variegato di Castelfranco (35,5%), grana padano cheese (16%), nuts (13%) + dressing kit (salt, extra virgin olive oil, P.G.I. balsamic vinegar of Modena + napkin and little fork).

guaranteed quality

Its excellence is guaranteed by simple and natural secrets: seeds selection, seeding and harvest techniques, which provide a slow and hard-working process, as provided by the P.G.I. Radicchio Consortium

Geographical indication

Harvested in north-east Region of Veneto, in the provinces of Treviso, Venice and Padua

To be stored in the refrigerator

Please store this product in the refrigerator, in order to respect the cold chain

Suitable for a vegan lifestyle - 100% Vegan

Suitable for a vegan lifestyle

guaranteed quality

OrtoRomi Radicchio obtained the European recognition of Protected Geographical Indication (P.G.I.), in order to preserve and guarantee its extraordinary quality

Fresh cut salad

Radicchio I.G.P. ready to eat fresh cut salad

100% recyclable packaging

From plastic, as from glass and paper, it is possible to give life to a new object, if given in the appropriate bins. Learn to differentiate and change our lifestyle, giving new life to waste

(Average value per 100g)


635 kJ / 153 kcal


12,1 g of which fatty acids 2,8 g


2,3 g of which sugars 1,8 g




7,9 g


0,37 g

kitchen ideas
Endless opportunities to get to know the best products for an always tasty and healthy diet
kitchen ideas

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