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Cabbage and potato soup


Cabbage and potato soup
A dish with rustic and authentic flavors, characterized by a pleasant contrast between the strong character of the cabbage and the soft sweetness of the potatoes.
310g and 620g
Benefits of the product
Cabbage boasts numerous beneficial properties for the body. For example, it is very rich in sulfur, which makes it a food with purifying properties, and contains potassium and vitamin K, essential for cardiovascular health.

Product Specifications

Water, potatoes, cabbage, onion, tomato puree, sunflower oil, salt and pepper.

May contain traces of gluten, celery, milk and eggs.

Fresh soup

High quality ingredients for a fresh soup, to be stored in the refrigerator once purchased

Ready to heat fresh soup

In a pot: 5 minutes while stirring. In the microwave, once the film is removed: 4 minutes at 900w, mixing after 2 minutes

100% recyclable packaging

From plastic, as from glass and paper, it is possible to give life to a new object, if given in the appropriate bins. Learn to differentiate and change our lifestyle, giving new life to waste

No glutamate nor preservatives

Without any glutamate nor preservatives. An homemade dish ready to taste


Easy-peel film, without the aid of a knife

(Average values per 100g)


290 kJ / 71 kcal


5,3 g of which saturated 1,2 g


4,2 g of which sugar 1,4 g


1,0 g


1,0 g


0,83 g

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